Extension Gallo-Roman, Tongeren (Belgium)
A Mikado circulation system of Roman 'Via's' works equally as structuralizing system. 'Mezzanine-like' exhibition spaces sit in an orthogonal system. As a form-giver, Via's stick out and are interconnected with a triangular rib system around which a net is spun. This grid is laid in with glass: the museum becomes a city crown (in German : Stadskrone) next to the cathedral. The Via's connect also and in particular the old with the new museum. Two levels below ground floor, a Roman Forum is located; i.e. the entrance lobby to be reached with an escalator. Escalators interconnect also the half-open/ half-closed mezzanines. But [...]the general idea is that the visitor steps in group into a time capsule first, that is, into the central elevator where a movie is shown (the so-called pre-show) and what prepares him or her on what will enrol before his eyes while descending, throughout the museum between the Gallo-Roman artefacts shown.