Passe-partout house
4 Houses on the Java Island in Amsterdam, 1993-1999

Another small housing project we got engaged in Amsterdam. A number of young architects were asked to build (these) canal houses as part of major developments on the former docklands of the East and West Indian Company.
Ours is a row-house designed to be occupied by two families living apart together : such as a married couple in relationship with elderly parents, or a family with a practice. (In our group I was the only one to choose for this option in the program.)
One family occupies the rear garden, another family the roof terrace. To mark this doubling down we imposed a red wooden strip, or an extra, third [...]façade that moves in steps throughout the 5 storey (high) house. That's where the name passe-partout comes from.
Two staircases that are interwoven as a double helix, give separate access to the two apartments, make sure that privacy is maintained.
This double helix is necessary because on the first level a shared kitchen and bathroom is situated with a left and/or right door opening to the other family. Passe-partout, the key-holder has all the secrets.


2002/05 - ABITARE 417 (I) 
The Passe-Partout House

1994/01 - ARCHIS
Kanttekeningen bij een meesterwerk - urban scheme for the Java-Island Amsterdam, by Arthur Wortmann

A canal house for the Java Island